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A member registered Apr 04, 2022

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(1 edit)

I think that the "domminant" variant is to common and sub does  not appear enough, also how the hereditary traits works? take priority the impregnator?, the impregnated? or is mixed/random between both parents?

I like the new update, but i think the whirlpools can be unfair since you can get stuck in them or they for walls that trap you with the sharks. Maybe you can do than when you bounce once the whirlpools disappear and/or the bigger you are the less it bounce you (maybe if you are bigger enough you eat it and became an upgrade that vacuum all the screen, maybe with smaller variants). Keep the good work.

The concept is good, but i the controls are hard to control and gets harder the bigger you get. Also it would be nice if the shark warning appear in the same high as the shark will emerge. But a great start